Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Goody Goody Green Lemonade

Goody Goody Green Lemonade recipe follows.  But first, a little something I want to share.

This is my favorite thing my girlfriend Jan printed for me. I just wanted to share it because I love reading this everyday.  I have it in my kitchen where I spend most of my time and it makes me giggle out loud.  I snapped a picture of this while I made my goody goody green lemonade.  It is right next to my Juicer.
 Thank you Jan, love supportive friends!  Now to the lemonade.

This is the beautiful produce that goes into my juice.

Fruit and veggies are so important!  Do not underestimate the power of phytonutrients and antioxidants.  You can not get these powerful nutrients from milk, yogurt, cheese, or any kind of meat, much less processed food.  They come from fruits and veggies.  Think before you eat.  It's that simple.

Ingredients: (Serves 1-2)

2 fresh apples.  I used Gala apples
1 inch piece of fresh Ginger
4-5 leaves fresh Romaine lettuce
large handful of spinach and kale leaves
1 large lemon

Add all ingredients to the juicer.  No need to peel the lemon or apples  just put it in whole.  The skin of the lemon cuts the green produce taste out.  If it taste to bitter, I add several drops of liquid Stevia to sweeten it up a bit for my picky one.  Or I add another apple or a pear if I have it on hand.  The juicer takes away all the fibrous content and leaves behind the straight nutrients of the produce.  If you don't have one, I suggest you getting one.  There is nothing like fresh juice.  I try to use it daily.

I have the Breville Fountain Plus juicer.    

All juiced and ready to go.  This is the froth separator.  It keeps all the foamy froth out of your juice.

Remember my picky eater that will not eat anything green or even consider trying it?
I told him this was sweet lemonade and he agreed to try it out.  He wasn't to sure about it at first since it was green and all.  He finally took a sip and said "yum".  I about fell on the floor since it has so much green produce in it.
The apples sweeten this up just enough.   Ya see,  he has such a sweet tooth that he couldn't resist.  I'm more than thrilled to get some veggies in him.  I was jumping up and down saying "Goody Goody he likes it"  This Lemonade is my go to for quick nutrition. 

Ava and Clayton drinking their juice.  Steven drank his so fast I didn't get a chance to take a picture of him!

Look at me! I love it!  Goody, Goody, Goody!


  1. Hi! Love this! Trying this one on my kids. Love your juicer that separates out the froth! Renee clicked like on fb that drew me here and saw that it was you! Inspired how healthy you are. We eat the same way however I have a couple of very reluctant kids! You have a beautiful family Elizabeth!

  2. Thank you Sandy! If this is the Sandy I knew as a kid, I bet you are still as beautiful as you were back then! Wow! so glad you found my blog! Give this a try. Tweak to your liking. Sometimes I add a few more apples if they are small. This adds sweetness. All I told my picky one is ,"it's really sweet green lemonade ". So he broke down and decided to try it. He had some for breakfast this morning. Good luck and cheers to good health.
